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The Jessica Sweet Trilogy

Jessica Sweet is an orphan – Again…
At 26, the term may not truly apply, but having been abandoned by her birth parents at an early age, the death of her adoptive parents is like déjà vu all over again. Now she finds herself alone, facing a future that should be unsure; however, the visions she’s been plagued with since childhood are about to descend upon her, pulling her into a supernatural world where her deepest fantasies and most harrowing nightmares will soon come true.

A monster, even by Vampire Standards...
Raven has spent the better part of his five-hundred-seventy-plus years fighting the evil within. His capture by an ancient breed of Sorcerers, just surfacing in the Legion’s base town of Fallen Cross, Ohio, leaves him beaten and starving. Escape leads him to an old farmhouse, the single heartbeat within promising life. What he couldn’t know is that the blood he now seeks will sustain him in ways he could never imagine…

Jessica Sweet

Women are dying in Fallen Cross, people I know, people close to me.

However, it’s the way they die that has me worried.

There hasn’t been a murder like this in a very long time.

In fact, the last one on Legion record was about the time Raven stopped killing…



Vampire by birth, monster by choice.

For centuries he was out of control, a murderer and so much worse.

Jessica’s love broke the curse that controlled him, restoring his free will,

but his savage ways remain in the past.

Or do they?

His Jessica has visions. Fate and her visions that brought them together.

Now, they are threatening to tear them apart…

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From the moment the Vampire Raven walked into my life,

my world was turned inside out. 

I have seen things, done things, become things I never dreamed possible. One of these things I can never take back, and it will haunt me for the rest of my very long life. I should have been the one to tell him. Would have had to eventually, but now he knows and the results? Well, let’s just say, I don’t know if I can forgive him. With all we’ve been through and overcome, I thought that destiny was on our side. Now, I’m not so sure…

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