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Miriamne the Magdala by J.B. Richards - 5 Stars


"The Yeshua and Miri Novel Series” is a historical-fiction novel series that follows Jesus and Mary Magdalene during the so called "missing years" and throughout their lives. The introductory novel, "Miriamne the Magdala", explores the deeply personal relationship between twelve year old Miriamne and her long lost cousin Yeshua bar Joseph. Their tale begins with an unexpected reunion of two Jewish Houses and goes on to explain how a family brought together by a seeming circumstance is ultimately tied together by Destiny. When a family tragedy strikes, and Yeshua and Miri are placed in a dangerous situation, heavenly forces intervene and a divine legacy that must be kept secret to all but their closest family members is revealed.

ADR S&S Book Review:

I admit it. I bulked at reading Miriamne the Magdala. It was about Jesus and stuff, and me not being big on religion, well…I bulked. But people kept saying, “Read it! It’s not at all religious.” And I said, “Riiiiight. It’s about Jesus and stuff.” And they said, “No really, it’s a love story!” And I said, “Yeah, but Jesus…” Well, I’m a bit of a pushover, and I totally caved to the peer pressure. Best. Cave. Ever!!!!

Miriamne and Yeshua’s story, while having historically religious undertones, is, indeed, a love story. It’s a story about family and sacrifice, about young love and coming of age. Oh! And there’s magic! Not just in the story, but in the writing itself. JB Richards is a master storyteller, with an incredible gift for description. She will pick you up and drop you right in the middle of ancient Sepphoris, where you will experience all of the sights, sounds, smells and tastes—yes tastes!—that the marketplace there has to offer. Next thing you know, you will be spelunking in magnificent caverns, the description so rich and detailed that you will swear you’ve actually visited them.

And then there’s Yeshua. While the story is told from Miriamne’s POV, for me, Yeshua stole the show. He’s just a boy in this first chapter of Richards’ planned five-book opus, but the reader glimpses so much of the man he will grow to be, and I can’t wait for the next installment. When I read that final page, I felt like I’d left behind a second family, and I am so looking forward to our next reunion.

So this is me, telling you, no peer-pressuring you, to read this book. I promise, you’ll be glad you did.

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